"Is this any good?"

She was reading a magazine. She was very good at her job. He tried to plan a next move.

"It's the best one we have."

"Really? So there are better?"

"I suppose."

"What about the price? Is it a good price?"

"I don't know. I've never shopped for them because I use these." She handed him something from below the counter. It was like tadpoles in a box.

"Do you sell these?"

"No. These are mine. Higgins sells them. Downtown."

"Right. What's the difference in quality?"

"Between ours and theirs? I dunno. I just prefer these."

"Uh-huh. Why exactly?"

"I dunno. I mean, just look at them... Y'know?"

"Right. Yes, I suppose you're right. Thank you."